岁月就象一条河,左岸是无法忘却的回忆,右岸是值得把握的青春年华,中间飞快流淌的,是年轻隐隐的伤感。世间有许多美好的东西,但真正属于自己的却并不 多。看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Simply write 10/7/2012

Today LK 10/7, teacher asked us to create blog at Blogger for those who haven't have a blog site, and wants us to update our blogs to at least 10 posts.

This blog supposed to be all in Chinese because I wanted to practice my Chinese since I stopped taking Chinese classes form2.
Actually I'm kind of regret of not continue taking it.....
Oh, never mind. lol
So.... this will be my first post.

Can't think of anything to write at the moment.....

Sorry for my bad bad bad English, I'm trying my very best to improve my English... >.<
Today had my very first Muet Speaking test, again I'm too nervous and just like what teacher said "mind-block".... I did so bad.... sigh..... Everyone is so good in my class, sometimes it makes me feel left out, all negative thougths pops out, worst feeling ever haha

But then today, I talked with my friends, oh.... thank you for being my listener :) I found that I'm not the only who's facing the same problem, they said I should believe in myself, stop letting the negatives affect my studies. Thank you so much....

well, nothing much happened today.
1 Murid 1 Sukan, whole Malaysia every school will be having the senam robik thingy on Tuesday 8am.
Not bad, found it quite fun and enjoy doing it. XD

Went to Jusco to meet my friends, and also I want my notes back =.=
She took my Chemistry notes!!! XD

Then, wanted to post my letter to my penpal  :3

Writing letter? I'm still writing letter.
Don't know why but I have these special feelings, I like to write letter compared to emails, sms, or maybe through messenger.

erm.... I think that's all for today,
focus on studies.
Gambateh everyone!!! :D

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