岁月就象一条河,左岸是无法忘却的回忆,右岸是值得把握的青春年华,中间飞快流淌的,是年轻隐隐的伤感。世间有许多美好的东西,但真正属于自己的却并不 多。看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Today we had our Biology and LK exam.
I can say that at first when I look at the Bio paper, I was quite happy because I think I can answer all the questions, just need some time to think. But in the end, I was unable to finish it. Another paper bombed!!!
About the LK paper, I used 15 minutes to answer all the questions since I found quite number of the questions I don't know what is it talking about.... : /
After checking the answers and confirmed, I take a sleep, actually I'm not sleeping, I just close my eyes.

Then, Mr. Lam came and kick my table =.=
I lift up my head and he said to me :"eiiiii!!! I will kill you!!!"
lol, I don't know the "kill you" thingy is pointing at me being sleeping during exam or maybe the physics paper. Better not the physics paper, it will be he's not the one who kill me but me, wanted to kill myself.

Before LK exam starts, we still have around 1 hour free to do anything, so I drew a picture from my view, Jasmin and Wye Kei sitting infront of me, busy doing homework or doing revision.
And I think teachers noticed that too, I think I'm the only one keeps looking around, draw draw draw then erase erase erase. Tadaaa, my masterpiece  XD

 Don't know what to write~~~~ hmm..... before we call it a day, Chenyue just reminded me tomorrow we will have our Maths T class. Great...... MATHS T!!!!! Scary..... we all die together..... oh no.....
Tomorrow sure kena marah oleh Puan Khaw.

Heard from what Puan Chan said, Puan Khaw keep sighing when she's marking our paper, and she's very disappointed with us of our bad bad bad results..... sorry teacher.

I guess that's all for today's blog, off to bed now. Goodnnight everyone, sweet dreams and remember the last paper, Muet reading......

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